The Evaluation Process

  1. Initial Interview. The purpose of this initial appointment is to review developmental and educational history. This appointment typically takes about an hour, and children need not attend. Surveys and questionnaires for both parents/caregivers and the individual being tested to complete prior to testing.
  2. School contact. We will then reach out to gather information from teachers and other adults who support the child’s learning. Depending on the age of the individual, this may involve surveys or questionnaires, classroom observations, and brief interviews.
  3. Testing days. For a neuropsychological evaluation, two sessions, lasting 3 to 4 hours each, are typically scheduled. During these sessions, Dr. Hayward works directly with the individual being tested, conducting a battery of standardized tests. Despite the challenges of some tasks, most children find this work engaging and enjoyable.
  4. Feedback. During this hour-long appointment, Dr. Hayward reviews the results of the evaluation and presents her recommendations.
  5. Finalized Report. A finalized report is typically available roughly 4 to 6 weeks.
  6. Follow-up: Referrals and Consultation. Dr. Hayward is available to work with families towards securing appropriate supports both in and out of school. She will provide referrals for services as needed, and can be available for consultation in developing an educational plan with schools.